The landscape differs every 10 minutes you fly further north.
It's more green, the elevation gets higher, milder temperatures,...
Flagstaff and payson are about 1 hour flying from Falcon (with the car we did the trip to Sedona in +- 2.5 hours) and because they are high elevation airports (5000-7000 feet) we can ONLY go in the morning and when the weather is good. When we should go there in the afternoon with our little DA20 there is a good possibility we get stuck because the climb performance is so bad.
a little explenation: when you climb up into the atmosphere, the air gets thinner and thinner. To create enough lift to get our aicraft in the air we need to go faster the higher we go.
So if our airport is at a high altitude we need more runway to get to that faster speed.
and when it is very hot the air density decreases even more so we climb very very slow.
But as I said, I was lucky and at 0600 my aircraft took me first to Flagstaff and than Sedona.
At my time of departure the temperature at Flagstaff was only 5°C, about 20°C difference with Falcon!! When I arrived the thermometer gave 12°C but even then, coooold, BBrrrrrrrrrr!
Sedona has a long runway as well, and it's on the middle of a plateau, really impressive when making the appoach.
It delivered me some nice pictures, Enjoy!!
Sunrise just after Take-off
Some fog over the cold hills of Payson
Payson airport
Flagstaff VOR
Flagstaff airport
Sedona airport
Sedona airport
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