On a cross country flight you need to go to an (unknown) airfield, make a full stop and get a signature in your logbook to proof you've landed there.
Today my flight took my about 4.2 hours to go to kingman and lake havasu airport.
I covered in total about 400NM (= 740km) so if you compaire it to Europe I would be almost in the French Pyrénées.
Lake havasu is a beautiful airport close to a magnificent lake, with very friendly personnel and a pilot lounge with everything you need (wireless internet, coffee, drinks, cookies, airco, popcorn,...) and all of this for free.
Over there they really care about the pilot's who visit the airport.
Next to me my aircraft there was an older man parked and he was on a trip with his dog, a funny sight!
Kingman is the contrary of lake havasu, a big airport in the middle of nowhere with no lounge at all, and a lot of abandonned aircraft waiting to fly again...and for the rest like everywhere in the states very friendly people.
They even let me have a look inside a parked helicopter.
A nice day with a lot of flying, friendly people and some huge CB's popping up in the afternoon, what does a man want more?!
Happy landings!
Flying at the cloudbase
DHL aircrafts waiting to be flown again
Lake Havasu
Lake Havasu with Havasu airport
Lake Havasu
Towering Cumulus clouds (TCU)
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