Before you can get your CPL you should have done at least 5 hours nightflying and you need a solo-time of at least one hour and 5 landings and take-offs.
This is what I did Wednsday.
First I flew a dual mission of 1.5 hours, we practised some patterns to see if I'm ready for my solo, we talked about "what I would do in case of some emergencies" when I would be alone in the airplane. After a small debriefing and a signature in my logbook I could go for an hour of absolute fun!
I'm already used to fly alone by now because there were a lot of solo missions on the DA20 but it still gives a strange feeling closing the canopy when you're all alone in the cockpit.
This week there was also a night cross-country flight where I went to Buckeye, a small uncontrolled airfield at the west-side of Phoenix.
For the moment I still don't have a flightmate so Cedric backseated and took some pictures.
From now on, the real instrument phase will begin.
They will introduce VOR-ILS-NDB approaches, circle to land... For everything we have to rely on what our instruments and needles are saying.
There are still 30 missions to go on the DA40 and after that instrument flying should have no secrets anymore, than we should master everything we need to fly for an airliner.
The pics are from my cross-country flight to Buckeye.
During the preflighting (= inspection of the aircraft before flying)
Checking the fuel level
On final in Buckeye
Phoenix International Airport (the 2 runways are the 2 dark stripes)
Phoenix airport
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