I'm happy to tell you I passed my 80 check today (I do not say it was a difficult check but even though I passed it:p...)!
It was a check about all the possible manoeuvres (slow flight, stalls in clean, take-off and landing configuration, steep turns= turns of 45° bank, unusual attitudes, flying assigned headings, compass turns and some tracking and interceptions based on the VOR of Gateway airport)...
We went to the southeast practise area and after everything we went directly back to falcon field for a full stop. All of this took just about one hour, one of the shortest checkrides I ever did.
So now a next part of the IFR training will begin: "holdings".
Holdings are used if there is bad weather, if aircrafts have to be delayed or when it is busy on the airport.
To say things simple:
as airplanes are not able to stay stationary above one point we need procedures to circle (hold) around that point. When we have two or more planes they are placed above each other on the same holding pattern with every time 1000feet (300m) horizontal separation. So to let the aircrafts entering and leaving the hold without getting to close or disturbing the other aircraft 300meters below you there are special procedures which are quite difficult in the beginning.
In the united states holdings exist but because traffic is less dense than europe it is less used but if you imagine London Heathrow at rush hour...
Indeed, they can come quite handy!
Tomorrow we jump again into the simulator to refresh everything once more before we get into the plane for the real business for holdings and shooting a lot of approaches.
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