Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two months Arizona

Time is flying soooo fast over here, already two months have passed.
In 8 weeks I did only 25 missions, made about 100 landings and have about 50 hours experience.
Some more good news, yesterday I succeeded in my 45 check (= a navigation check that you have to succeed before you can do solo cross-coutry missions)
From now on I'm allowed to do solo cross-country missions: navigate to other airfields, land there, refuel if necessary, have a (veeery short) break and fly back to Falcon.
The time can go from 1.5 hours up till 4 hours which allows us to fly to California, the Mexican border, Lake Havasu, nice places in North Arizona,...
Now I have still 20 missions to go, than my last navigation check and than we can be planned on the Diamond 40 where our IFR training will start.
But first the VFR cross country part. This will deliver some nice pictures of arizona which will follow shortly.

Enjoy the heat of the summer,

See y'all later!

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