This week I had a lot of solo flights, constantly touch & goes in the pattern of Falcon Field, not really a lot to talk about, I did about 40 landings in 3 hours so after practising landings all week it was time for something else.
Today I was planned for two flights in the Southeast practise area.
This is a very big part of airspace where a lot of flightschools send their students to practise different manoeuvres (stalls, steep turns, forced landing, precautionary landings, slow flight,...)
This place gives a good view of how Arizona would be without humans.
Very very veeeeery dry (almost desert) with somewhere a lost cactus or three and if you see a lot of green threes in the middle of nowhere it's probably a dry river.
If you go to populated areas then or area's where they do agriculture you see suddenly between sand and dry grounds a lot of green.
this consumes A LOT of water to keep grass and threes growing at a temperature of more than 40°C and a humidity of only 10-15%.
The special shape for the grounds for agriculture (circles) are made to safe as much water as possible. This plantages give a nice view from the air like you can see on the pic.
This morning I started of with my solo-flight which was planned at 0530 but we had again an unexpected delay of 1hour.
At 0500 my weaterpreparation was done, my mass en balance were checked, I only needed my signoff from an instructor so I should have left on time but suddenly the power went down. It was almost totally dark at dispatch, the runway lights were out for a moment (the backup generator started working very fast, this is necessary for an airport) and the most important thing, the radar was down as well...
Because of that no solo-students were permitted to leave, we had to wait until power, radar and radio's were back working!
15 minutes passed, 30 min... we were starting to dream about having beds or hammocks (hangmatten) at school, to have a breakfast corner with hot cacao (yes, we miss our free cacao for the coffeemachine at SFA!)...
If you are tired you start thinking about crazy, sometimes unpossible (but nice) things!
Finally after 45 min the power was back, and we could leave finally...when we left, the next guys arrived already for their preparation.
The delays of the whole day could start, if one aircraft is late in the morning all the following flights have the same problem because the schedule is so tight.
With the result that my second flight was delayed for 1 hour as well.
I only took off at 1500, the hottest time of the day. I started the engine with 47°C at the ramp.
I had the feeling of being thrown with my clothes in the pool again like my first solo, you are sweating so hard at that time of the day.
Downdraughts and updraughts of 500ft/min were not exeptional. At least one every 5 minutes and I can tell you, it's very hard to fly and control the airplane at that time.
But anyway, both flights were nice, I learned a lot and they delivered me some nice pic's.
See you!