Hi everyone,
Last weekend I had the oppertunity (after 3 times Jetair
finally accepted my flight) to join the Jetair-crew with the B 737-500 to Djerba.
At SFA we have to do 10 observation flights (@ Jetair, Thomas Cook, Luxair or VLM/Cityjet) before our training ends to see the life of a real pilot "on-the-line".
This really helps to see everything we learn in the theoretical courses in real life.
On time performance is very important in aviation so I decided to arrive 2 hours in advance of the EOBT (estimated off blocks time = leaving the gate)
I checked the weather, notams, fuel, the flightplan, to say things short:
all the paperwork you should look at before you leave the crewroom.
As we were cruising above Reims I heard the wonderful phrase coming from the FO:
"did you ever did the radio? wanne try?"
"Beauty 6653 change to Roma frequency 123.325"
"frequency 123.325 bey bey beauty 6653" (= me)
"Roma Bonjourno Beauty 6653, FL 350 direct Ajjacio"(=me:p yes I can speak Italian;)!"beauty 6653 bonjourno radar contact, proceed as cleared" We arrived at the gate, the Captain went out for the external check and than
the First officer allowed me to programme the whole FMC.
(which to FO checked afterwards offcourse, you'll never know I made a mistake so we could end up in Alaska:p...)
It's fun to do it once in real and I was amazed how slow the computer was.
(it still works with a processor of '86; no wonder it was quite slow...)
And than the flight went back to Liège.
Over there the ILS was U/S but the visibility was quite good so a visual approach was no problem.
Above the alps we made a diversion of a few miles because of (beautiful BUT dangerous) CB's on our flightpath.
Thanks to the crew for the nice flight!
Below some PIC's

Approach preparation of the First Officer

It was way to hot in Djerba (37°C) and just to feel the heat I opened the window:p!
Thanks to the Captain!

Holding short for an A/C on final approach.
The airport of Nice with Cannes and St. Tropez nearby