Friday, December 18, 2009

CPL license


I passed my Commercial pilot check!!
With this license I can be paid to fly (this license means we can fly in Commercial airliners, in any weather conditions: VFR/IFR, day/night)
This was my ultimate goal to travel to the States, obtain my CPL and I got it.
And I cannot describe what a huge pressure is falling from my shoulders right now, it's an amazing feeling, a dream coming true.
The best part of everything is that is go back to belgium but the story is still not over. In antwerp I still need to fly about 15 hours and after that we jump into the B737 of A320 Full flight simulator for MCC (we train to fly "multi-crew" = with two pilots in the cocpit and to devide all the flighttasks amongst each other).

Now we have to prepare everything to go home, we leave here on Monday morning to arrive at Brussels airport around 7u15 Thuesday morning.
I still have two days to get everything packed, give back all my study material, say goodbye to everyone and enjoy the sun a bit.
Yes, the SUN, it's still around 20°C for the moment, just hot enough to be at the pool.
It's really a strange feeling to be at the pool while it's snowing in Belgium.
It'll be an adaptation to the cold but I don't mind going back. six months was more than enough and the belgium weather creates much better Christmas feelings:).

See you next week in Belgium!


1 comment:

  1. Maybe I'm too late, but I write it anyway.
    Congratulations for your pilote check!!
    And I wish you a good trip back home. See you back in Belgium, maybe still in the snow...
    Kiss from aunt Mimi
